DTE Code: 3460
DTE Code: 3460


“Entrepreneurship is living a few years of your life like most people won’t, so you can spend the rest of your life like most people can’t.”

– Anonymous

The goal of E-Cell is to make students better informed about entrepreneurship as a career option. The cell organises activities like panel discussions on relevant topics, experience-sharing sessions by experienced entrepreneurs and guest lectures on niche topics. The cell also encourages creating partnerships with organisations that support student entrepreneurship programmes.

India has always proven to be one of the best countries to provide successful entrepreneurs to the global business world. We are simply taking this forward by encouraging young minds at our institute to think of entrepreneurship as an alternate while choosing their career path post the completion of their degree.

One must not forget that we need to foster a few of our students to become ‘Job Creators’ rather than ‘Job Seekers’ with the help of this cell.

Members of this cell encourage the students to join this cell and then hand-hold them from the ideation stage to the implementation stage.

An annual calendar for seminars, workshops and industrial/institutional visits is shared, namely:

  • Idea generation
  • Budgeting
  • Financial Management and Accounting
  • Inviting Seed/Venture capital providers
  • Innovation
  • Fund raising
  • Interaction with successful entrepreneurs
  • Hosting competitions on Idea Generation
  • Risk taking
  • Causes of Failure
  • Site/factory visits of successful entrepreneurs
  • Brain-storming sessions



Universal College of Engineering
Near Bhajanlal Dairy & Punyadham,
Kaman Bhiwandi Road,

Contact Number

+91 800 7000 755
+91 800 7478 659
+91 840 7979 167

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