Vidya Vikas Education Trust’s Universal College of Engineering, Kaman Road,Vasai East, 401208, NAAC B+ Accredited, Gujarati Linguistic Minority Institution affiliated to the University of Mumbai.
Dear All
As an IQAC initiative, the Department of Applied Science and Humanities of Universal College of Engineering takes pleasure in organising a webinar on “Tips to succeed in MHT-CET and Exploring future in Engineering”
The main objective of the webinar is to help students to score their best in the CET and enable them to make a right choice in their career.
The captivating features of the webinar are:
- Participants will learn tips to answer the CET questions faster
- Participants will receive E-certificate as soon as the feedback form is filled
- Participants will get a clear picture of the various opportunities of choosing an Engineering career
- Participants will learn about the various branches of Engineering which will help them make a right choice of
- Engineering career
- Target Audience….HSC Science students
- Registration Starts: 10 th June 2020
- Registration Ends: 21 st June, 2020 10 pm
Interested students can use the following link to register.
The webinar will be conducted on 22 June 2020 from 12:00pm -1:00pm
In case of any queries feel free to contact following faculty members:
⭐ Mr. Masiyuddin Khan (Assistant Professor, AS&H Department)- 08793821798
⭐ Mr. Kamlesh Tiwari ( Assistant Professor, AS&H Department)- 09029670257
⭐ Mrs. Neha Shah (Assistant Professor, AS&H Department)- 09987562350
⭐ Mr. Aniket Patil (Assistant Professor, AS&H Department)- 07709182831
⭐Mrs. Teena Trivedi (Assistant Professor, AS&H Department)- 9503780901
⭐Mr. Nitesh Chaubey (Assistant Professor, AS&H Department)- 9769464454
⭐Ms. Marina Thomas (Assistant Professor, AS&H Department)- 9930141002
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Thanks & Regards
Mr. Shivam Shukla (Assistant Professor)
HOD, AS&H Department,
Universal College of Engineering, Kaman Road, Vasai, 401208